Health Occupation Students of America
Sponsor: Ginger McPherson
HOSA students recently competed in Knoxville and won at the HOSA State Competitions Advisors- Ginger Mcherson, Jesica Emerson, Mandy Coats
Medical Reserve Corp Partnership- 1st place (pictured left to right)
Julia Briggs
Jaclyn Haskins
Elizabeth Duck
Maggie Huckaby
They have the opportunity to advance to National HOSA competitions in June.
Congratulations to all these HOSA students.

What is HOSA?
HOSA recognizes the importance pf providing students with training beyond health specific technical skills required for entry into health care, and plays a unique role in preparing students for higher education and entry level certification (EMT, pharmacy tech, CNA, etc). The rapidly changing health care system needs dedicated workers who are people-orientated and capable of playing a leader or follower role as a member of a health care team. HOSA, a student-led organization of future health professionals, provides opportunities for students to develop, practice, and refine their technical, leadership, and teamwork skills to achieve a seamless transition from education to a career.