Beta Club
Sponsors: Ms. Ally Rogers and Mr. Corey Sweatt
A student must be actively enrolled in grades 10-12 at CCHS for membership in the CCHS Beta Club. Students who withdraw/transfer from CCHS and return must meet initial eligibility requirements for Beta club membership.
Initial membership dues for National Beta Club is $40. ( $35 National dues. $5 are for local dues and will be due annually to continue Beta Membership. A Beta TSHIRT ($20) is not required but will be available to be purchased at a later date.)
In order to receive an invitation for membership into the CCHS BETA CLUB, students must have a 92.5 overall average, be working on grade level, and undergo a character/leadership assessment by faculty /administration.
No late memberships will be accepted, after the due date deadline.
A Beta member is expected to maintain EXEMPLARY conduct. This includes abiding by the school rules, as outlined in the school handbook.
Probation status during a previous semester makes a Beta member ineligible to attend the state convention.
Service projects (minimum of 2 hours or donations for two organized events) must be completed in order to attend the convention, when it re-convenes and is imperative to maintain membership. Service projects should be approved by a sponsor. An additional 3 hours will be assigned to maintain good standing in the club.
Any discipline referrals that result in an assignment to IN-school Suspension OR Suspension from school means automatic expulsion from the club.
Seniors must complete the year in good standing (no probation) in order to graduate as a Beta and receive graduation recognition.
Academic averages are checked at the beginning of each semester for probation purposes.
Beta members are required to attend regularly scheduled meetings when on campus. Students are required to sign on to the Remind app for notifications, as well as the Beta Google Classroom..
While on probation, members must pay dues, complete service projects, and attend meetings.
Since Beta members are expected to maintain exemplary conduct, any Beta caught cheating, lying, or any other breach of integrity will be expelled from the club.